This magnificent organ clock was made in the Black Forest C. 1830 for the American Market and will run for 8 days on a single winding. The clock will tell the time and strike the hour, after the hour is struck the movement activates a large organ. The organ plays 8 American tunes on 43 pipes. These tunes include Yankee Doodle, Washington's March,and 6 other American Favorites.

The clock also features a complex automation with four figures. As the music plays the two musicians raise instruments to their mouth and turn side to side with the music. The two dancers in the middle of the dial have a fantastic automation sequence. The move in circles nearly 360 degrees pivoting on post. They are also on a track and move toward each other and back apart. They also jump up and down. The man is jointed in his arms, waist and knees... so there is a great deal of action in this automation sequence. Although we have seen other organ clocks with more figures, this is one of the most fascinating and automation sequences we have seen.

The clock was imported into Philadelphia by a German handler of clocks and music boxes. His label can be found on the inside of the case, as well as the back of the upper dial. Upon its arrival to the United States the clock was cased in a fantastic Flame Mahogany case that has gold leaf accents to the carved columns and the finials.

At this point the clock was retailed to a upper class American customer.

Although organ clocks can still be found on the market not all organ clocks were equal. To find an example of this quality, with a high pipe count, a complex automation function, American tunes, and a magnificent well proportioned case is nearly impossible.

The clock is complete, but is in need of a musical restoration. We hope to have the clock in fully restored playing condition by the end of 2010.
We will be sure to update our blog with a video of the clock at that time.
Justin J. Miller

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